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Wednesday, July 4, 2007

WWE Raw Results: to be India on 16 Jul.' 07.

Raw - LIVE from Dallas, TX.

The show starts out with Mr. Kennedy coming to the ring stating that it’s the fans fault that he lost his money in the bank clause. John Cena comes out and rags on him, and out comes King Booker. Orton comes down to the ring and then Lashley makes the night perfect by coming down as well. They all say that they want a shot as the #1 WWE contender. William regal comes down and says that he is the management for the evening, as Regal’s on vacation, and that there will be four beat the clock matches. The person with the quickest time gets a shot at the title.

Match #1 Jeff hardy VS Randy Orton

Winner: Randy Orton w/ RKO @ 7:06

Next is a WWE mini-commercial, about how wrestlers give their “heart, soul and bodies” to the industry in what they believe in. “Cheer for them - admire them - believe in them - but leave the action to them. Do not try this at home.”

Apparently Vince’s PR department is working overtime, trying to get people to like the WWE again, after the Benoit tragedy.

Match #2: Maria VS Melina

WINNER: Melina with a leg drop slam

Randy Orton goes to the back where Dusty Rhodes and one of his many sons, Cody, is standing. He slaps Dusty and dusty says that he will meet him, in the ring, next week.

SIDENOTE: this kind of treatment, in or out of the ring, to a WWE legend makes me sick.

Match #3: Umaga VS Santino Morella

WINNER: Umaga w/ Samoan Spike to the throat.

Did you really think Umaga would lose?

Match #4: King Booker w/ Queen Sharmell VS Val Venis

WINNER: King Booker w/ scissors kick off the rope. 4:30

Match #6: Carlito VS Sandman

Winner: Carlito VIA disqualification when Sandman hit Carlito with the kendo stick.

Match #7: Bobby Lashley VS Shelton Benjamin

WINNER: Bobby Lashley - speared when he jumped off the top rope.

It will now be Lashley VS Cena at the Great American Bash. Booker T and Mr. Kennedy come out and say that it isn’t fair, attacking the guys. Unfortunatley, they have no chance at beating Cena and Lashley, and they chase the duo out of the ring. Then, after the contract is signed, Lashley spears Cena, knocking him down and leaving the ring.
Courtsey:WWE Daily
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